Monday, September 30, 2019

Trainspotting: Addiction and Familiar Environment

I chose not to choose life; I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? Mark ‘Rent Boy' Renton is a young Scot that suffers from heroin addiction and is on a downward spiral of drugs and crime. He repeatedly wants to quit and tries to do so, but always seems to succumb to just one more hit in order to cope with his life. With his friends, he is trapped in a seedy urban underworld in spite of the efforts of his family to get him clean.However, Mark has a secret desire to make more of his life, and finds himself facing a choice; staying with his friends in his familiar environment or starting his life over. ‘Trainspotting’ is a very controversial film, which touches upon quite a bit of themes, though drug abuse is certainly the main issue dealt with; Mark and his friends are all addicted to heroin and the film explores the causes of drug abuse and its dangerous aftermath – which in this particular ca se is death; Mark’s friend, Tommy, dies from an overdose and even a little baby girl dies, presumably from living in the intoxicating atmosphere of 4 drug addicts’ flat.Beyond drug abuse, another concurrent theme in the film is redemption – and how unattainable it is; we follow Mark making his way out of drugs, on his journey to redeem himself. He struggles to break out of the vicious circle he is stuck in but lastly succeeds, finds redemption and forgives himself. Trainspotting’ deals with national identity as well, in this case the lack of a true Scottish identity; Mark sees Scotland as nation ‘colonized by wankers’ and feels as though the stereotypical Scottish identity (with connotations of valour and honour) is false heritage. He escapes from Scotland hence his Scottish identity when he moves to London and isolates himself, though he can’t abandon his ‘Scottishness’ completely.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nursing Scholarship Essay Essay

â€Å"The pursuit of happiness† isn’t that what we all strive for? Some find it in family and friendship; some find it in love and others in money and work. I find happiness in knowing that with much determination and will power I have been able to pursue my lifelong dream of being a nurse. The medical field is an area of constant change and evolution in society on a daily basis thus producing great challenges to those who take healthcare seriously. My goals for pursuing my educational advancement are first and foremost to continue to grow; stay equipped and continue to care for my patients with the utmost quality and knowledge. Being a nurse has been such a privilege to me and an opportunity to share the gift of love through compassionate care to people who are hurting. See more: how to write a scholarship essay for study abroad I originally â€Å"fell in love† with the ministry of nursing as a young girl during my studies about Florence Nightingale and her service to our military men. Not only did she administer first aide to the soldiers on the battlefield she also tended to their souls. I knew that nursing was my calling and that Florence Nightingale would be my mentor. As I grew older and life circumstances led me to being a single mother raising two children, I decided to add another level of fulfillment in my life and pursue a career in nursing. This decision was not easy but motherhood not only gave me a fresh sense of purpose and passion for life it was also the motivating factor to choose nursing as a reliable career. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. Therefore; pursuing my educational advancement in nursing is my design for today.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How the Internet has aided criminal activity Essay

How the Internet has aided criminal activity - Essay Example codes; the creation of false bank accounts; theft of personal information and misuse of the stolen information; the virus infection created on computers that can hamper the proper software operations and damage records (Computer-Based Crime, 2011). This paper will give specific examples of criminal activities through the use of computers and the internet; will cite how yesterday’s non-digital crime, as in the case of pornography, has become today’s menacing digital crime; and will discuss some types of computer crimes, such as identity theft, phishing scam, virus and malicious software. September 11 Attack. The execution of the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center, which claimed an estimated 3, 120 lives from over 90 countries around the world, (US Department of State, 2002), is a form of cyberterrorism. Cyberterrorism is the unauthorized attack and risk against computers, networks, and the stored information purposely executed to threaten or force a government, a nation or its people to advance one’s political or social intentions. Cyberterrorist attacks demonstrate power and aggressively threaten or harm persons or property (Denning, 2000). Juvenile Computer Hacker Disabled FAA Tower at Regional Airport. In Boston, Massachusetts, a juvenile hacked the computer system of a telephone company servicing the Worcester Airport. A series of commands sent from the hacker’s computer immobilized the FAA control tower for six hours in March 1997 (US Department of Justice, 1998). Release of Computer Worm Attacked Microsoft Corporation. In September 2003, a juvenile was arrested for releasing a variant of the Blaster computer worm that directly infected computers worldwide to commence a distributed denial of service attack against the Microsoft Corporation (US Department of Justice, 2003). More than four decades ago, open, unusual or violent pornography was restricted to adult bookstores and movie houses. It could be only be viewed and circulated in

Friday, September 27, 2019

Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Final Exam - Essay Example Another very realistic story which everyone in class talked much about was, â€Å"One Friday Morning† written by Langston Huges, this story is about a teenage girl who attains success after her art talents are exhibited in a contest, but everything changes and people start treating her badly because she is a black girl. The subject matter of the story is that racism should not be the cause of discouraging people in achieving what they want, and every one should be treated equally irrespective of their class, creed or color. Another story which caught our interest in class and which we enjoyed reading was â€Å"Fish Cheeks† written by Amy Tan, it is about a Chinese girl who is in love with the son of an American minister, her mother invites the ministers family over for the Christmas eve but she feels ashamed of the way her family acts in front of them. The lesson we learnt from it was that everyone should be proud of their culture because everyone has their own cultural values. All these stories were different in their own manner but they taught all the students something important about life and people. Another really interesting assignment, which we got and interested us, the most was comparing two essays â€Å"Where are you going, where have you been & Fish Cheeks† with the movie â€Å"Stand by me†. Both of the essays and the book are about evolution between youth and adulthood, when one can try new things and is still able to blame his or her actions on immature scruples. Teenagers often get caught up in a stipulation of inquisitiveness where finding themselves becomes predictable. The dissimilarities between the two were that they were not about racism, and the movie is about four best friends who take an overnight hike through the woods near their town to find the body of a boy whos been missing for days, where as the essay Where are u going where have u been is about a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Challenges to Social Policy in Relation to Globalisation Essay

Challenges to Social Policy in Relation to Globalisation - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the process of globalization has, in fact, weakened several institutions developed by nation-states to structure social policy formation. Systems created by policymakers and by the people within their context are not able to resolve the most serious issues at present. Most believe that social policy formation must presently have a regional or global importance. However, the needed networks or institutions are largely absent in that area. In essence, globalization is the concept that has been used to describe an array of political, social, cultural, technological, and economic factors and mechanisms that are believed to have generally created the specific aspects of current living. National welfare policies and processes have become much more globalized than is generally believed. Consideration of the influence of globalization on social policy, therefore, requires exploring policies and systems that connect people and places all over t he world. Globalisation has influenced social policy in two major ways. First is examining social policy development in domains of extraterritorial governance. These domains of governance could be global (IMF, UN, etc.) or trans-regional (ASEAN, EU, etc.). Second is placing emphasis on cross-border movement of products, services, people, and knowledge as they concern the effects of social policies on communities, policy development, and social welfare

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Benefits provided by Mafia to the American society Essay

Benefits provided by Mafia to the American society - Essay Example In Mafia no body is associated with each other as a friend or brother, if you would look closely to the history of Mafia you would find the leaders of Mafia killed either by their own family members or people relatively closer to them, "a world in which a man's murderer was most apt to be his best friend. Intrigue was the name of the game, and the intricate deals that were hatched threaded the national and international scene" (Cook 3). These people of Mafia work as a unit for the benefits of their own, and not for the society, they often have conferences for the planning of events they would be doing in that year or so, "On December 8, 1959, some 150 Mafia dons gathered in secret session in a suite of fifteen rented rooms in a hotel in Worcester, Massachusetts. Their night-long conclave was later described by Attorney General Edward J. McCormack, of Massachusetts, as a "Little Apalachin" conference" (Cook 36). It seems very strange to hear that Mafia can help anyone, but in fact Maf ia has helped numerous countries of the world. In United States of America there are about 26 cities in which Mafia is working, "When some people think of the Mafia, they think of New York City, or may be Chicago. But for a long time, there were roughly twenty-six American Mafia "families" going strong across the United States and in Canada"(26 Family Cities). It would be really unfair to say that Mafia helped the people of the society in a direct manner but somehow it did benefit few people of the society and mentioning here that not every person in the society was helped by the Mafia but only people who had status and powers, however in future most of the people benefited from the activities of Mafia, there were two way benefits that were quite prominent, people helped the Mafia and Mafia helped the people, in an interview I heard that, Mafia used to kill people for the benefits of few people who were previously in negative relations with the people who asked to be killed, at numerous occasion mafia helped tycoons to win their bets, perhaps by persuading or threatening the player who was betted upon, and at numerous occasion it has been seen that the Mafia themselves prepared tycoons in the business world. (Barringham) So these points are justifying few of the bitter realities of the American society, it is quite obvious that fewer people of the society were helped by the Mafia directly, so it would be unfair to say that every one was helped by Mafia but relatively upper society is getting the benefits. There are few more points to justify that who is helped by the Mafia, "In 1957 Joseph Barbara was a successful immigrant living near Binghamton. His hilltop estate boasted seven bedrooms and two horse barns. He also was "connected": He had friends in what would come to be known as La Cosa Nostra [mafia]" (Jack Kelly). There is another interesting point that I would like to bring in your view and that is the related to the money, when the underworld dons or Mafia leaders smuggled different materials, perhaps drugs, precious gems etc. they brought a lot of money in the country which could be very useful for stabilizing the economy of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personal statement for international student Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For international student - Personal Statement Example Diabetes tends to be quite complicated when compared to other diseases. It has the capacity to affect an individual’s whole body. It is essential for individuals to be able to comprehensively understand the complication because as it stands, an individual either has it or knows another one who has the complication such as a member of the family or even s friend. As a disease, diabetes comes in three forms, which are diabetes type 1; there is diabetes type 2 and gestational diabetes. As individuals living in a community, there is need to embrace a culture where everyone understands the disease as well as the means of curbing it. In the country presently, it is among the fastest diseases in terms of growth with an estimated 2,000,000 citizens having been diagnosed with it. It is anticipated that 300 individuals in the country develop the disease and for each person who undergoes diagnosis, there is an equivalent number of persons having failed to undertake diagnosis of the compl ication. The two forms of diabetes, that is diabetes 2 and gestational diabetes if diagnosed at an early stage and well addressed can be cured unlike diabetes 1 which requires extra attention (Anderson 2007, p 83). It is as a result of this concept that the study will focus on Diabetes 1. It will try to analyze its stages, the causes, symptoms and implications to the community as well as medication and prevention measures. Diabetes type 1 develops due to the immune system of the body attacking all the entire cells that are in charge of production of insulin in the pancreas. The absence of insulin in the human body implies that the body will lack glucose. The body cells will not be capable of taking in enough glucose that is responsible for the provision of energy to the body needed to help the cells in their normal metabolic activities (Yuwiler 2010, p 82). As A result of the cells inability to take up the glucose, the effect would be an

Monday, September 23, 2019

Chinese communication development reading response Essay

Chinese communication development reading response - Essay Example rs from the country side moving to industrial regions, which has made China one of the world’s premier ICT production hub and turned ICT manufacturing into China’s largest exporting sector. It is evident from the article that this growth in ICT has been driven by integration of transnational capital attracted to China by fiscal incentives and modern infrastructure in these industrial zones, which has encouraged the formation of joint ventures with private Chinese enterprises. However, the Chinese state has begun to face significant challenges in controlling these peasant workers, especially as the global economic crisis of 2008 led to labor resistance among the changing working class, which has turned to collective action that has raised awareness of labor rights (Hong & Wei, 2014). The authors conduct an in-depth exploration into how the export-processing regime in China has evolved since the market reforms of the late 70s, which has been specifically evidenced by the growth in manufacturing of information and communication technologies. Turing to media and telecommunication operations, which also underwent significant reforms as a result of the market reforms, it may be concluded from the author’s arguments that they have played a critical role in the creation of China’s commanding heights economy (Hong & Wei, 2014). This economy is characterized by the state maintaining control over the media’s ideological direction, while private capitalists take care of distribution and production operations. Indeed, whereas the export production sector in China was mainly driven by foreign, transnational capital, the Chinese state has maintained its control over the media and telecommunications sector. Moreover, although, as the authors note, the medi a and telecommunications sectors has been one of the most successful economic sectors in China’s dramatic economic growth, these sectors continue to pose the biggest risk of crisis for the Chinese state authorities

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Buying decision process Essay Example for Free

The Buying decision process Essay Consumer behavior is term used to describe the manner of how an individual buys and assesses a product or service. It also includes the internal or the mental processes and external or social processes that might affect the individual’s conduct (Consumer Behavior 2008). Figure 1. The Buying Decision Process Source: Bowens, Kotler Makens (2003) Purchasing products like buying grocery supplies seems like a mundane activity but a buyer actually foes through several stages of decision making before eventually making the purchase. It will all start with the problem recognition. A problem arises when the current status or condition does not coincide with the preferred one (Marketing Communications 2008). The awareness of this situation can be caused by an internal stimulus, like feeling thirsty and needing to buy a drink, or an external factor, like advertising of a store for a sale (Buyer Behavior 2008). The consumer may or may not continue to the next stage unless there is a strong desire to improve the condition or fulfill the need (Principles of Marketing 2008). Once the consumer decides to fulfill the need, the stage of information search occurs. At this stage the consumer seeks out options to be able to solve the problem at hand. It involves internal and external types. Internal search usually occurs with frequently bought items. The consumer just simple remembers past positive experience with the product (Principles of Marketing 2008). The weakness of this type is when the information stored in the memory is limited or the person is having a hard time remembering, the risk of making an incorrect decision is most likely (Consumer Behavior 2008). On the other hand, the sources for the external types are personal sources like relatives and friends, public sources like reports, commercial sources like ads and lastly experiential sources acquire through experiencing the product (Buyer Behavior 2008). The challenge for any marketing team is to identify how their target audience source product information. After which make sure that the information is always available and can be easily accessed (Principles of Marketing 2008). The information obtained during the second stage will then be evaluated in the alternative evaluation stage. The information will be put into set of options or evoked set (Consumer Decision Process 2008). The evoked set is the set of brands a consumer consider while in the decision process (Marketing Communications 2008). From the second stage the consumer acquired the criteria he/she is looking for and got the brand names that meet those criteria (Consumer Behavior 2008). This process limits the choices for the consumer, making it easier for them to make the final decision of purchasing the product or getting the service. The fourth stage of the process, purchase decision, now involves the actual purchase of the product. Since the consumer now knows what to buy in this stage, he decides where, when and how to purchase the product of choice (Marketing Communications 2008). During this process, three methods of purchase may be used by the consumer: fully-planned, partially planned, and unplanned. Fully-planned purchases are purchases where the customer picks out the merchandise and brand ahead of time. This method is usually used with high risk purchases like buying a house or car. In partial purchase there is a plan to buy a product but to what specific brand is decided later on. Finally, an unplanned purchase is a spur of the moment acquisition (Consumer Decision Process 2008). Although the consumer is already thinking of buying a product, this could still be altered at the point of purchase itself. Factors that could affect it are the store surroundings, time constraint, incentives offered in the store like a sale, product availability, and budget constraint. It is then important for the seller to make sure that these events are anticipated and avoided (Principles of Marketing 2008). Stores could make sure that the stocks are sufficient, the store is clean and the personnel are trained to provide good shopping experience, promotions like sales are position at the right moment, and that products are well organized and can be easily found. Following the purchase will be the consumption of the product and the consumer will enter the last stage of the process which is post-purchase evaluation. In this stage, the consumer will assess if the purchase solved the problem identified in the first stage. He/she will determine if satisfaction was provided by the action (Consumer Behavior 2008). Otherwise, the customer will feel cognitive dissonance, which is an unpleasant feeling or tension produced by thinking about two conflicting ideas. This is a state where the consumer stresses on the thought that the other choice should have been selected (Buyer Behavior 2008). Cognitive dissonance could result to product returns, viewing the product in a negative way or not considering the product as part of the evoked set in the future (Principles of Marketing 2008). Companies can prevent this situation by providing good after sale service to customers. For example. free technical support to electronic device like computers. Other methods are follow-up calls and market research. As shown above the decision making process of consumers is actually a complex process that involves many steps and could be influenced by different factors. The whole process could take a few minutes for simple purchases but could take weeks for important purchases. It is then a good tool for businesses to understand what happens in each stage to be able to present their product favorably to the consumer.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Australian nation Speech Essay Example for Free

Australian nation Speech Essay Ladies and gentlemen I am very pleased to be here today at the launch of Australias celebration of the 1993 International Year of the Worlds Indigenous People. It will be a year of great significance for Australia. It comes at a time when we have committed ourselves to succeeding in the test which so far we have always failed. Because, in truth, we cannot confidently say that we have succeeded as we would like to have succeeded if we have not managed to extend opportunity and care, dignity and hope to the indigenous people of Australia the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people. This is a fundamental test of our social goals and our national will: our ability to say to ourselves and the rest of the world that Australia is a first rate social democracy, that we are what we should be truly the land of the fair go and the better chance. There is no more basic test of how seriously we mean these things. It is a test of our self-knowledge. Of how well we know the land we live in. How well we know our history. How well we recognise the fact that, complex as our contemporary identity is, it cannot be separated from Aboriginal Australia. How well we know what Aboriginal Australians know about Australia. Redfern is a good place to contemplate these things. Just a mile or two from the place where the first European settlers landed, in too many ways it tells us that their failure to bring much more than devastation and demoralisation to Aboriginal Australia continues to be our failure. More I think than most Australians recognise, the plight of Aboriginal Australians affects us all. In Redfern it might be tempting to think that the reality Aboriginal Australians face is somehow contained here, and that the rest of us are  insulated from it. But of course, while all the dilemmas may exist here, they are far from contained. We know the same dilemmas and more are faced all over Australia. That is perhaps the point of this Year of the Worlds Indigenous People: to bring the dispossessed out of the shadows, to recognise that they are part of us, and that we cannot give indigenous Australians up without giving up many of our own most deeply held values, much of our own identity and our own humanity. Nowhere in the world, I would venture, is the message more stark than it is in Australia. We simply cannot sweep injustice aside. Even if our own conscience allowed us to, I am sure, that in due course, the world and the people of our region would not. There should be no mistake about this our success in resolving these issues will have a significant bearing on our standing in the world. However intractable the problems seem, we cannot resign ourselves to failure any more than we can hide behind the contemporary version of Social Darwinism which says that to reach back for the poor and dispossessed is to risk being dragged down. That seems to me not only morally indefensible, but bad history. We non-Aboriginal Australians should perhaps remind ourselves that Australia once reached out for us. Didnt Australia provide opportunity and care for the dispossessed Irish? The poor of Britain? The refugees from war and famine and persecution in the countries of Europe and Asia? Isnt it reasonable to say that if we can build a prosperous and remarkably harmonious multicultural society in Australia, surely we can find just solutions to the problems which beset the first Australians the people to whom the most injustice has been done. And, as I say, the starting point might be to recognise that the problem starts with us non-Aboriginal Australians. It begins, I think, with that act of recognition. Recognition that it was we who did the dispossessing. We took the traditional lands and smashed the traditional way of life. We brought the diseases. The alcohol. We committed the murders. We took the children from their mothers. We practised discrimination and exclusion. It was our ignorance and our prejudice. And our failure to imagine these things being done to us. With some noble exceptions, we failed to make the most basic human response and enter into their hearts and minds. We failed to ask how would I feel if this were done to me? As a consequence, we failed to see that what we were doing degraded all of us. If we needed a reminder of this, we received it this year. The Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody showed with devastating clarity that the past lives on in inequality, racism and injustice. In the prejudice and ignorance of non-Aboriginal Australians, and in the demoralisation and desperation, the fractured identity, of so many Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. For all this, I do not believe that the Report should fill us with guilt. Down the years, there has been no shortage of guilt, but it has not produced the responses we need. Guilt is not a very constructive emotion. I think what we need to do is open our hearts a bit. All of us. Perhaps when we recognise what we have in common we will see the things which must be done the practical things. There is something of this in the creation of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. The Councils mission is to forge a new partnership built on justice and equity and an appreciation of the heritage of Australias indigenous people. In the abstract those terms are meaningless. We have to give meaning to justice and equity and, as I have said several times this year, we will only give them meaning when we commit ourselves to achieving concrete results. If we improve the living conditions in one town, they will improve in another. And another. If we raise the standard of health by twenty per cent one year, it will be raised more the next. If we open one door others will follow. When we see improvement, when we see more dignity, more confidence, more happiness we will know we are going to win. We need these practical building blocks of change. The Mabo Judgement should be seen as one of these. By doing away with the bizarre conceit that this continent had no owners prior to the settlement of Europeans, Mabo establishes a fundamental truth and lays the basis for justice. It will be much easier to work from that basis than has ever been the case in the past. For that reason alone we should ignore the isolated outbreaks of hysteria and hostility of the past few months. Mabo is an historic decision we can make it an historic turning point, the basis of a new relationship between indigenous and non-Aboriginal Australians. The message should be that there is nothing to fear or to lose in the recognition of historical truth, or the extension of social justice, or the deepening of Australian social democracy to include indigenous Australians. There is everything to gain. Even the unhappy past speaks for this. Where Aboriginal Australians have been included in the life of Australia they have made remarkable contributions. Economic contributions, particularly in the pastoral and agricultural industry. They are there in the frontier and exploration history of Australia. They are there in the wars. In sport to an extraordinary degree. In literature and art and music. In all these things they have shaped our knowledge of this continent and of  ourselves. They have shaped our identity. They are there in the Australian legend. We should never forget they have helped build this nation. And if we have a sense of justice, as well as common sense, we will forge a new partnership. As I said, it might help us if we non-Aboriginal Australians imagined ourselves dispossessed of land we had lived on for fifty thousand years and then imagined ourselves told that it had never been ours. Imagine if ours was the oldest culture in the world and we were told that it was worthless. Imagine if we had resisted this settlement, suffered and died in the defence of our land, and then were told in history books that we had given up without a fight. Imagine if non-Aboriginal Australians had served their country in peace and war and were then ignored in history books. Imagine if our feats on sporting fields had inspired admiration and patriotism and yet did nothing to diminish prejudice. Imagine if our spiritual life was denied and ridiculed. Imagine if we had suffered the injustice and then were blamed for it. It seems to me that if we can imagine the injustice we can imagine its opposite. And we can have justice. I say that for two reasons: I say it because I believe that the great things about Australian social democracy reflect a fundamental belief in justice. And I say it because in so many other areas we have proved our capacity over the years to go on extending the realms of participation, opportunity and care. Just as Australians living in the relatively narrow and insular Australia of the 1960s imagined a culturally diverse, worldly and open Australia, and in a generation turned the idea into reality, so we can turn the goals of reconciliation into reality. There are very good signs that the process has begun. The creation of the Reconciliation Council is evidence itself. The establishment of the ATSIC the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission is also evidence. The Council is the product of imagination and good will. ATSIC emerges from the vision of indigenous self-determination and selfmanagement. The vision has already become the reality of almost 800 elected Aboriginal Regional Councillors and Commissioners determining priorities and developing their own programs. All over Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are taking charge of their own lives. And assistance with the problems which chronically beset them is at last being made available in ways developed by the communities themselves. If these things offer hope, so does the fact that this generation of Australians is better informed about Aboriginal culture and achievement, and about the injustice that has been done, than any generation before. We are beginning to more generally appreciate the depth and the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. From their music and art and dance we are beginning to recognise how much richer our national life and identity will be for the participation of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. We are beginning to learn what the indigenous people have known for many thousands of years how to live with our physical environment. Ever so gradually we are learning how to see Australia through Aboriginal eyes, beginning to recognise the wisdom contained in their epic story. I think we are beginning to see how much we owe the indigenous Australians and how much we have lost by living so apart. I said we non-indigenous Australians should try to imagine the Aboriginal view. It cant be too hard. Someone imagined this event today, and it is now a marvellous reality and a great reason for hope. There is one thing today we cannot imagine. We cannot imagine that the descendants of people whose genius and resilience maintained a culture here through fifty thousand years or more, through  cataclysmic changes to the climate and environment, and who then survived two centuries of disposession and abuse, will be denied their place in the modern Australian nation. We cannot imagine that. We cannot imagine that we will fail. And with the spirit that is here today I am confident that we wont. I am confident that we will succeed in this decade. Thank you

Friday, September 20, 2019

The importance of geometry

The importance of geometry This chapter includes the importance of geometry and the importance of learning how to solve traditional word problems by students in school mathematics. The concerns of mathematics education stakeholders about word problem solving based on national and international assessments and the suggestions provided by researchers and educators to improve students performance when solving word problems are also reviewed. The theories and empirical studies that focus on comprehension, representation, and solution of word problems are summarized. Although using mathematics, and in particular geometry, to model situations from work places has been part of education for centuries, the review of the literature starts with the beginning of the late nineteenth century, with the exception of Renà © Descartes (1596-1650) doctrine of problem solving (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1983). The review includes recommendations from important publications that inform mathematics education. Research-based theoretical and conceptual frameworks that support the solution process of mathematics word problems are used to develop a research hypothesis for examination in this study. Problem Solving and Solving Word Problems Some mathematics educators and researchers believe that a problem lies as an obstruction between two ends, the problem and the solution, without any clearly defined ways to traverse (Brownell, 1942; Mayer, 1985; Polya, 1980). This definition may also be applied to word problems because many researchers include math word problems in problem solving research (Kilpatrick, 1985). The logic behind this definition can be traced back to Renà © Descartes (1596-1650) philosophy which suggests that method is necessary to uncover the truth of nature. The following excerpt from Encyclopedia Britannica (1983) on Descartes Discourse on Method is worth mentioning as part of his doctrine of problem solving  [1]  [The Discourse] is a philosophical classic. [It] hides the fundamental assertion that the human mind is basically sound and the only means of attaining truth à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ never to accept anything as true which I [you] did not clearly and distinctly see to be so. Descartes thus implies the rejection of all accepted ideas and opinions, the determination to doubt until convinced of the contrary by self-evident facts. The second rule is an instruction to analyze the problem to be solved. Once cleared of its prejudices, the mind, using the example set by mathematicians, must divide each of the difficulties under e xamination into as many parts as possible; that is, discover what is relevant to the problem and reduce it as far as possible to its simplest data. The third rule is to conduct my thoughts in order, beginning with objects that are the simplest and easiest to know and so proceed, gradually, to knowledge of the more complex. The fourth rule is a warning to recapitulate the chains of reasoning to be certain that there are no omissions. These simple rules are not to be considered a mere automatic formula; they are to be regarded as a mental discipline, based on the example of mathematical practice. (p. 600) Schoenfeld (1987) summarized the four phases of Descartes problem solving plan. The idea in phase I is to reduce an algebra problem to a single variable equation for solving. Phase II suggests reducing a mathematics problem to an algebra problem and solving it according to phase I. In phase III, any problem situation is converted to a mathematics problem by mathematizing. In phase IV , the problem is then solved using the ideas in phase I and II. In two of his many rules (rules XIV and XV), Descartes suggested the drawing of diagrams as an aid to solving problems (pp. 29-36). It is noted from the above excerpt of Descartes problem solving process that a problem should be broken down to its parts before attempting to solve it. Each part should also be understood separately. For example, a word problem can usually be solved if one can understand the words (vocabulary), their meaning, their interconnection, the objects they represent, and the relevance of those objects in the problem. Solving a word problem is also sometimes referred to as problem solving. According to Branca (1987), problem solving is an alternative meaning of applying mathematics to different circumstances (p. 72). That means if a situation is explained in words, or in a word problem, then applying mathematics as a tool to solve that problem situation may be treated as problem solving. Also, Brow n, Cronin, and McEntire (1994) stated that assessment on word problems has different names, including math reasoning, problem solving, word problems, as well as story problems (p. 32). Although word problems have been extensively used in problem solving research, the similarity and differences between word problems and problem solving should be clarified. A word problem is also a problem to solve, according to the definitions previously mentioned. Many educators think solving word problems require the problem solving skills. For this dissertation, word problems will refer to problems of the type that appear in standardized assessments and tests such as the NAEP, the New Jersey HSPA, the SAT, and the ACT. They are not problems related to everyday human life without unstated facts where students have to wander, collect facts for mathematizing the situation before solving them. The problems in this study can be attempted using general heuristics (Polya, 1945; Schoenfeld, 1985), as well as through the application of Descartes problem solving principle and other methods based on Descartes philosophy. According to Kilpatrick (1987), in recent years, some researchers in mathematics education have used problems with increasing level of difficulty and learning opportunity that require the novel combination of rules and reasoning. A few similar problems were used in this research. (See Appendix K for sample problems) However, these problems are infrequently found outside of tests or class assignments. Solving Word Problems: A Goal of Mathematics Education Learning to solve problems is the principal reason of studying mathematics (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, 1977, p. 2). The NCTM (Krulik Reys, 1980) also suggested that problem solving be regarded as the major goal of learning school mathematics from 1980 to 1989 and repeated that recommendation more recently (NCTM, 2000). Mathematics accomplishment of students, which includes problem solving, became a major concern in the U. S. with the release of A Nation at Risk (U. S. Department of Education, 1983). This publication recommended focusing on the teaching of geometric and algebraic concepts and real-life importance of mathematics in solving problems. The low word problem solving ability of U.S. students of 9, 13, and 17 years of age was verified by the first data from the NAEP conducted in 1973. While analyzing the results of that assessment, Carpenter, Coburn, Reys, and Wilson (1976) concluded: It is most disturbing to ascertain the suggestion that many students receive very little opportunity to learn to solve world problems. The assessment results are so poor, however, that we wonder whether this is not the case. A commitment to working and thinking about word problems is needed for teachers and their students. (p. 392) Table 2.1 shows the scale scores of NAEP on mathematics obtained by U.S. students in grades 4, 8, and 12, on a 0 to 500 scale, from 1990 to 2007. Table 2.2 s hows the percent of different types of word problems correctly answered by the students in grades 8 and 12. According to Braswell et al. (2001), the achievement levels of 249, 299, and 336 are considered proficient levels for fourth-, eighth-, and 12th-grade students, respectively. Table 2.1 indicates very small improvements in the NAEP test scores for fourth-grade and eighth-grade students over the span of 17 years (1990 to 2007). However, these scores are below the suggested proficiency levels. It may be noted from Tables 2.1 and 2.2 that improvement, either in overall performance or in word problem solving skills for all participating U.S. students, is trivial. Also the scores that hover around 230 for grade 4, 275 for grade 8, and 300 for grade 12 on a 0 to 500 scale are too low. Of particular concern is an average of only 4% correctly answered questions for the years 1990 to 2000 (Table 2.2) by U.S. grade 12 students on volume and surface area related problems. International as sessments such as the FIMS in 1965, the SIMS in 1982, the PISA in 2003 and 2007, and the TIMSS in 1995 and 2003 further attested U.S. students poor problem solving skills and highlighted their low mathematical achievement in comparison to students from other participating countries. The FIMS and SIMS conducted mathematics assessment of 13year-old students and high school seniors (National Council of Educational Statistics, 1992). According to the NCTM (2004), the PISA measures the numerical skills and problem solving aptitude of 15-year-old students on a scale of 0 to 500whereas the TIMSS measures fourth and eighth grade students ability on concepts on a scale of 0 to 1000. The NCTM also reported that the NAEP, TIMSS, and PISA, which are low-stakes tests, generate group performance results of students. High-stakes tests, like New Jerseys HSPA or other state mandated tests, as well as the SAT and ACT, focus on the performance of individual students. Of the three assessments, NAEP, TI MSS, and PISA, TIMSS and NAEP have the most in common in terms of mathematical concepts and cognitive necessity (NCTM). The findings from the mathematics results of the PISA of 2000 and 2003 reported by Lemke et al. (2004) indicated that U. S. performance in algebra and geometry was lower than two-third of the participating OECD countries. Even the top 10% of the participants in the U.S. were outperformed by more than half of their OECD counterparts in solving problems. The then U.S. Education Secretary emphasized the need to reform high schools on top priority basis (U.S. Department of Education, 2005). The latest PISA (2007) results indicated that the mathematical accomplishment of U.S students is lower than the international average. According to TIMSS (2003), U.S. students of fourth and eighth grades scored on average 518 and 504, respectively in mathematics. These scores were higher than the average score of 495 of the fourth-grade students in the 25 participating countries and the average score of 466 of the eighth-grade students in the 45 participating countries. However, these scores were lower than the 4 Asian countries and 7 European countries for fourth grade and lower than the 5 Asian countries and 4 European countries for eighth grade. Although the average score of U.S. eighth-grade students improved by only 12 points from 492 in 1995 to 504 in 2003, there was no change reported by TIMSS in their score from 1999 to 2003. Overall, these scores on a scale from 0 to 1000 indicate that students in grades four and eight in the U.S. only achieved about 50% mastery of the concepts tested. National (NAEP, 2007) and international (FIMS, 1965; SIMS, 1982; TIMSS, 1995, 1999, 2003) assessments indicate that student achievement in mathematics remains a major educational concern. Those assessments use multiple choice, short-response, and open-ended word problems which are similar to those on the New Jersey HSPA, SAT, and ACT. Since students mathematical skills are measured using one or more of the above assessments, learning to solve word problems must be considered a major goal of mathematics education and a major component of assessing student achievement in mathematics. Further, learning to solve word problems related to real-life situations using mathematical concepts also helps students to be successful at work and in their lives. Geometry as a Cornerstone of Mathematics-History of Problem Solving and Geometry In ancient India, the rudiments of Geometry, called Rekha-Ganita, were formulated and applied to solve architectural problems for building temple motifs (Srivathsa, Narasimhan, Saà ¡Ã‚ ¹Ã†â€™sat 2003, p. 218). The 4000 years old mathematics that emerged in India during The Indus Civilization (2500 BC-1700 BC) proposed for the first time, the ideas of zero, algebra, and finding square and cube roots in Indian Vedic literature (Birodhkar, 1997; OConnor Robertson, 2000; Singh, 2004). The significance of studying geometry is evi dent from the past mathematical records. The book, A History of Mathematics (Suzuki, 2002) provides the mathematical innovations made by the most brilliant mathematicians from ancient times until the 20th century. Some of the mathematical developments presented in this book that are related to problem solving and geometry are discussed next. According to Suzuki (2002), the ancient Egyptians (3000 B.C.) demonstrated their skills in solving word problems by an Egyptian scribe on the mathematical papyri using the concepts of linear and nonlinear equations without any mathematical notations. That is, every problem solved by an Egyptian scribe was a word problem (p. 13). In order to redraw property lines after the yearly flooding of the Nile, the Egyptians developed realistic geometry related geometric figures, but not their abstract properties. Also, their geometry is filled with problems relating to pyramids (p. 16). The Babylonians (1700 B.C.) also routinely solved more complicated an d complex problems à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ entirely verbally (Suzuki, 2002, p. 28) without any system of mathematical notations. Their ways of solving interest relate problems show their advanced mathematical skills. According to Suzuki, the Babylonians also developed methods for calculating the area of triangles, trapezoids and other polygons. Before Pythagoras (580-500 B.C.), the Pythagorean Theorem was well known to the Babylonians (p. 31). The development of pre-Euclidean geometry goes back to the age of Plato (427-347 B.C.). It is said that the entrance plaque to Platos school in Athens read, Let No One Unversed In Geometry Come Under My Roof (Suzuki, 2002, p. 74). According to Suzuki, Plato had probably discovered the word mathematics from the mathema, meaning the three liberal arts, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy (p. 74). Later, Euclid (300 B.C.), who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, wrote the Elements, a conglomeration of 300 years of Greek geometrical development. The Elements was so important for the next two thousand years of mathematics that Euclidean geometry became an essential part of learning mathematics until it faced the first serious mathematical challenges (p. 86) in the 19th century. The significance of understanding geometry for high school students has been a part of recommendations of the committees on mathematics education in the U.S. since 1894 (Commission on Mathematics, 1959; National Education Association, 1894, National Committee on Mathematical Requirements, 1923; Progressive Education Association (PEA) Committee and the Joint Commission, 1940; The National Committee of Fifteen, 1912). An account of these committees reports may be found in the 1970 yearbook of the NCTM, A History of Mathematics Education in the United States and Canada. A brief of the recommendations of these committees are presented below. The first national group of experts that addressed mathematics education was the subcommittee on mathematics of the Committee of Ten (National Education Association, 1894). They considered the goals and curriculum for mathematics education and recommended preparatory work on algebra and geometry in the upper elementary school curriculum. On demonstrative geometry, the committee stressed on the importance of elegance and finish in geometrical demonstration (p. 25). About demonstrative geometry, the committee further stated, there is no student whom it will not brighten and strengthen intellectually as few other exercises can (p. 116). This suggests all mathematics teachers engage their students in using the geometric concepts to visualize their surroundings and to geometrically demonstrate what they visualize. The final report of The National Committee of Fifteen on the Geometry Syllabus (National Education Association, 1912) recommended using realistic approaches to exercises in mathematics instruction. Eleven years later, its final report, The Reorganization of Mathematics in Secondary Education (The National C ommittee on Mathematical Requirements, 1923) also stressed the importance of the studying geometry. The commission advocated that the course of study in mathematics during the seventh, eighth, and ninth years contain the fundamental notions of arithmetic, of algebra, of intuitive geometry, of numerical trigonometry, and at least an introduction to demonstrative geometry (p. 1). One of the practical aims of this ecommendation was to encourage familiarity with geometric forms common in nature and life, as well as the elementary properties and relations of these forms, including their measurement, the development of space-perception, and the exercise of spatial imagination.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hamlet- The Role Of Women Essay -- essays research papers

Today women have many rights. We can vote, work, and even voice our own opinions. In the past women were seen as mothers and housekeepers, always taught to respect, listen, and serve there husbands or the man of the house. In those days this was considered normal, therefore women had no choice but to obey and do as they were told. In Hamlet, Shakespeare portrays a similar relationship between women and men. He allows men to hold the higher position in the causing, them to treat women as lesser people and believed that women should listen to them and do as they were told. Ophelia a young women in Hamlet, she represents how women are treated. Ophelia obeys several different men in the play. One of the men is Hamlet. Ophelia is sixteen much younger than Hamlet, Hamlet is twenty one and in college. The Maturity of each persons mind depends on there age. Ophelia is a woman who has been taught to believe and listen to men such as her father. When she is now faced with wether to believe Hamlet or doubt his love for she once again she disregards her feelings and trusts Hamlet. Hamlet pursued Ophelia, he saw a young women whome he could satisfy him self with. In the play Hamlet does not court ophelia the only place they are together is in Ophelia’s bedroom "He hath, my lord, of late made tenders Of his affection to me"(pg 17 line 99). Hamlet visits her bedroom at night and makes love to her. Ophelia believes this a relationship but is too young to know what a real relationship is. Hamlet writes her letters to make her believe that letters are a representation of Love. Ophelia did not refuse Hamlet everything that Hamlet wanted from Ophelia he got. She stops thinking for herself and allows men to think for her. Ophelia allows Hamlet to "make love to her" because Hamlet wants to. Men in those days had a great deal of power. Women were not thought of being much more than lovers and house keepers, there minds belonged to there men. Ophelia does not know wether the relationship was ever real. Hamlet is another man controlling her to make her believe that he really loved her. like her father, he can control her mind and make her believe what he wants her to. Another man she obeys is her father, Polonius, Lord Chamberlain. In the play she believes her father has her life in his hands, she will never d... ...ow her how wrong it is but it is a s though she can not see through her own eyes she agrees with Claudius and repeat whatever his oppinions are. Queen. I doubt it is no other but the main, His father’s death and our o’erhasty marriage (pg 39 line 56). Here the queen does not care whether her own son is hurt by her marriage. She seems to be heartless when she should be full of heart warming feelings. As a women in the play she allowed Claudius to instill his views in her. And just like Ophelia she subdues her feelings and allows a man-Claudius- to make his opinion an feelings hers. In making Hamlet I believed that Shakespear gave men the higher position in the play. Such as the title of the book Hamlet who is also the prince in the play. Most of the main characters in the play are men. The role of the women in the play existed in all the characters in the play. Women were portrayed as slow, weak, neurotic characters who were easily led astray and were easily controlled. Maybe Shakespear did not believe in women as strong characters due to the age he lived in but, now in the year 2000 this is un heard of.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Footsteps Of Time: Eb Whites Once More To The Lake :: essays research papers fc

Dombroski 1 Lisa Dombroski Prof. Harrison English 101 18 September 2000 Footsteps of Time E.B. White's essay, Once More to the Lake demonstrate his own security in consistency from growing up on into adulthood. White begins to set the stage mid way through the first paragraph, mentioning that he and his father "returned [to the lake] summer after summer- always on August 1 for one month" followed up by the fact that "has since become a salt-water man," longing to one day return to the "holy spot." This trip back to the lake brings back a great deal of memories, as if there "[had] been no passage of time." It is on this trip that White begins to realize that his son seems to possess the same enthusiasm that he did when White was a boy. To White, all of this is a shock because now his role is now reversed from a flamboyant and energized child to an observational parent, as he remembered his father. This vacation spot White describes through memories of his boyhood days always seemed to be so wonderful no matter what had gone wrong. White recalls the time when "[his] father rolled over in a canoe" and another time when "[they] all got ringworm" but none of this mattered in the long run, after all, this was the best place on earth. To White the mountain lake is seen as "constant and trustworthy", and on the trip back there with his own son, White wondered if "time would have marred" the appearance of the lake. Thoughts of the time spent there summer after summer continued to revisit White throughout the trip and everything from thunderstorms to the stillness of the water Dombroski 2 was seen as a work of art, falling into place and creating an illusion as if it were known what was to follow. White's son acted in the same manner as White did back when he was a young boy, recalling how "I was always the first up" and now, he lay still in bed while his son snuck out early in the morning headed down to the lake. Having seen this anxiety in his son, White "began to sustain the illusion that he was I." Many times during their trip White would feel confused, unable to distinguish who he was, a father with his son, or him with his own father. In a way this means a great deal to White, because now he and his son share a bond, very similar to White and his dad and can enjoy this haven together over the years.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Minority Group Status

A minority group refers to a subordinate group whereby the members do not have enough control over their lives and do not have power to effectively fight for their rights. A minority group is inferior and is usually dominated by the rest, who are usually the majority group. The minority group experiences rather few opportunities to pursue their goals since education, success and wealth is limited to them. Such opportunities are disproportionately very low when compared to their population within the society. (Feagin, 2000) Characteristics of Minority Group Status A minority group has a number of characteristics which distinguish them from the majority group. The characteristics make them stand out from the rest and become easily identifiable. One characteristic of the members of the minority group is that they have distinguishing cultural or physical traits, for example skin color (physical) and language (cultural). A good example is Blacks in countries which are largely dominated by Whites. Another characteristic is that they usually face unequal treatment and have less power and therefore are not in full control of what goes around them. Mostly, the members claim of receiving unfair treatment and are constantly discriminated against. (Peter & Trauttman, 2006) In extreme cases, the members may be denied their rights to access certain resources, for, example, having recreational facilities strictly for majority group and restricting the minority group from accessing them. The third characteristic is that the members do not belong to the minority group by choice. The membership is therefore involuntary and no one can be compelled to remain a member or give up the membership since it is through race, power or even law that a person finds himself or herself belonging to the minority group. The fourth characteristic is that there is usually a high degree of awareness of subordination as well as a strong sense of solidarity among the members. The last characteristic is that, the majority group is high characterized by in-group marriages due to their close association and collaboration. (Jacob, 2005) Different Ways in Which Groups Become Minorities There are various ways in which groups become minorities numerically and socially. Numerically the minority group is judged by virtue of being few in numbers, for example, racial whereby the members are classified on some obvious characteristics, such as skin color. These characteristics are visible. For instance, Racial minority groups in US; American Indian, Blacks, Hawaiians and Asian Americans. Socially, the minority group is judged on the basis of inferior culture, faith, or belief as in gender, ethnic and religion. (Jacob, 2005) Ethnically, the groups are classified on cultural basis, such as food and language. Ethnic Minority Groups in US include Latinos and Hispanics such as Puerto Ricans, Chicanos and Cubans. The Jews are also part of the cultural minorities. In terms of gender, males are usually the social majority and women are the social minority. In religion, the minorities are the members who do not have the same faith as the majority group. For instance, Muslims, Mormons, Roman Catholics and Amish are religious minorities in US. (Peter & Trauttman, 2006) Consequences of Minority Group Status Some of the consequences are pluralism, assimilation, fusion, segregation, secession, expulsion and extermination. In pluralism, this is whereby the minority and majority groups or individuals maintain their different identities, that is, Whites are represented by Whites and Blacks by Blacks. In assimilation, the minority group identifies with the majority group in terms of culture and consequently is absorbed by the dominant group. In fusion, the majority and minority group merge to create a new group. (Feagin, 2000) Their cultures and physical characteristics are synthesized without intermarrying. In segregation, these two groups are physically separated in terms of work place, residence and social functions. In secession, the minority group moves out to create a new nation or join an established nation, whereby it becomes dominant. In expulsion, the minority group may be forced to leave a certain region or even thrown out of the country by the dominant group. In, extermination, the minority group is wiped out through genocide or systematic, deliberate killing. (Feagin, 2000) Conclusion From the discussion above, the existence of minority group status is not healthy though it cannot be avoided. Many divisions result from such differences making it impossible for a certain group to pursue their common goals and encourage vices such as discrimination against tribe, gender and religion. (Peter & Trauttman, 2006) References Feagin, J. (2000) Racial and Ethnic Relations, Palgrave Publishers, US. Jacob, C. (2005) What is a Minority Group, Palgrave Publishers, UK. Peter, Z. & Trauttmann, C. (2006) Distinguishing between Minority and Majority Group,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fireside Press, Washington DC.   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Gas Chromatography

GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY EXPERIMENT The purpose of this experiment is for the student: 1)to learn the general theoretical aspects of gas chromatography as a separation method, 2)to learn how to operate gas chromatographs specific to COD, 3)to become familiar with using the gas chromatograph (GC) to qualitatively identify components of mixtures, 4)to be introduced to and to interpret the quantitative data available via gas chromatography, 5)to gain insight into how the GC technique is used in the chemical industry both as a qualitative and quantitative tool.As a means of accomplishing these objectives, we will attempt to identify the three major organic components of two different kinds of nail polish remover. PRELAB ASSIGNMENT Read Technique 22 in Pavia, 4th ed. Be sure that you understand the components of a gas chromatograph and the factors affecting separation. Pay particular attention to the definitions of retention time and resolution and how the GC can be used for qualitative analysi s.  ·Fill out a gold sheet for all compounds present in the purple nail polish remover as listed below. Write a procedural flow chart for the experiment. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Each student will be required to make at least one injection into the GC. Each student will also be a member of a group and will share information and chromatograms with other group members and between groups. All GC injections will be one micro-liter â€Å"sandwiched injections†. The procedure for preparing the syringe is described below.  ·Place your sample in a small test-tube.  ·Rinse the syringe three times with your sample.  ·Draw approximately 1 micro-liter of air into the syringe. Draw 2 or 3 micro-liters of your sample into the syringe with the air.  ·Turn the syringe so that the tip of the needle is pointing up and expel liquid from the syringe until only 1 micro-liter of liquid remains in the syringe.  ·Pull the plunger back and draw in approximately 1 micro-liter of air. You now have a 1 micro-liter sample â€Å"sandwiched† between two air bubbles. Your group will be assigned either regular (purple) Revlon nail polish remover or acetone-free (blue) Revlon nail polish remover. The contents are listed below.Your group must gather enough information to be able to identify the three major peaks in the gas chromatogram for your assigned nail polish remover. Acetone, ethyl acetate, and isopropyl alcohol in addition to the two nail polish removers will be available as samples for injection. You may use these chemicals to make mixtures that you will inject into the GC. You may not inject any of these neat liquids (pure chemical samples) because the column may become overloaded and the peaks will show a lot of trailing.When analyzing the data and planning your mixtures, keep in mind that our GC's have flame ionization detectors that do not detect non-flammable substances such as water. Someone in the group will need to inject the assigned nail polish remover into a GC and wait for the instrument to record the chromatogram. While the GC is cooling down, label the chromatogram with your name, the name of your sample, and the number of the GC which was used. Have the instructor initial the original chromatogram.When the â€Å"ready† indicator light turns green on the GC, another member of the group should make an injection into the same GC in order to have the same experimental conditions for comparisons of results. The chemical make up of this second and subsequent injections should be determined after consultation within the group. You must get the approval of the instructor before making any mixtures for injection into the GC. Each person must submit at least one original initialed chromatogram attached to the cover sheet.All other chromatograms will be obtained from your partners and by exchanging data within a group. The second type of nail polish will be analyzed using class data that will be provided by your instructor. The labels on the two nail polish removers list the contents of each in the following order: PURPLE Nail Polish|BLUE Nail Polish| acetone|ethyl acetate| water|isopropyl alcohol| ethyl acetate|water| isopropyl alcohol|jojoba oil| benzophenone-1|butyl alcohol| dyes|butyl acetate| |toluene| |dyes|

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Uses And Effects Of Fuel Cells Environmental Sciences Essay

First I would wish to state that Fuel cells are considered a specific device which converts the chemical power to a fuel ( natural gas, H and gasolene. The air or O may be converted besides into electricity. The fuel cell operates like a battery peculiarly. Unlike a battery nevertheless, a fuel cell does non run down or necessitate recharging. But it will bring forth the electricity and heat every bit long as fuel and an oxidant are supplied. Hydrogen is one of the most important picks for all the cells of fuel. There are more of gases, like N which is provided in the air have a dilution consequence on the fuel cell ‘s public presentation. And it was noticed besides that there are other gases have an consequence on the fuel cells like CH4 and CO, and it depending on the sort of fuel cell, which the CO is a toxicant to fuel cells to run at comparatively low temperatures, such as the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. It is important to advert that CO can be used straight as a fuel for the high temperature fuel cells like the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Every fuel cell with its specific electrolyte will accept the different gases as fuels and experience toxic condition or dilution. Therefore, the system of gas supply should be tailored to a specific sort of fuel cell. The procedure: Fuel cells are considered the basic electrochemical cells and operate following the same indispensable mechanism as the batteries which work every twenty-four hours. However, unlike batteries, where all of the chemicals are used in cells which are contained and when the reaction is finished wholly the battery is dead, fuel cells have stable flow of fresh chemicals to the cell and so in theory have an limitless life. sprint-nextel-to-expand-hydrogen-fuel-cell-deployment.jpg Hydrogen fuel cells, that are the most used, alter the flows of H and O to supply us the H2O ( H2O ) and to hold the electricity from this procedure. On 1s manus, the anode, H is forced through the Pt pulverization where it is ionized: 2H2 == & A ; gt ; 4H+ + 4e- . The negatrons so pass through the external circuit, where their flow can be harnessed as electricity, on their manner to the cathode. But on the other manus, the cathode: O is traveling to respond with the merchandises from the anode to bring forth H2O: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- == & A ; gt ; 2H2O. Along with heat, this is the lone by merchandise of the H fuel cell: the reactants are usually to the full utilised. The fuel cells is traveling to bring forth the electricity through the chemical procedure. And this procedure means that they are non capable to the Carnot Limit It is needed to cognize what Carnot bound is: ( it is a theoretical bound sing the efficiency of the engine depending on the flow of heat between the 2 reservoirs ) , and that they can efficaciously pull out more energy from fuel than combustion-based methods. Traditional internal burning engines typically have efficiencies of around 30 % , whereas fuel cells can accomplish 40-70 % efficiency. The usage: We can establish the Hydrogen in assorted organic compounds, and it was noticed besides that the hydrocarbons which make up many of the traditional fuels, like the gasolene, methyl alcohol and eventually natural gas. Hydrogen can be separated from hydrocarbons by the application of heat: It is the procedure which is known as reforming. Most of H is made by utilizing this manner from the natural gas. The current of electricity can be used to divide the H2O for its constituents of ( O / H ) . This procedure is named by the electrolysis. Some of bacteriums can utilize the sunshine as their energy beginning, NASA had used the H fuel cells to establish the bird of the infinite. Hydrogen is considered high in supplying energy, and the engine burns pure H which it will non bring forth any pollutants in this procedure. NASA has used liquid H from the seventeenth to impel the infinite bird and many projectiles to revolve. Hydrogen fuel cells can supply the power and energy for the bird ‘s electrical systems, and it will bring forth the clean by-product, which the crew drinks. The Fuel cells are considered the assuring engineering to be usage in the hereafter as a beginning of electricity and heat of the edifices, and as an electrical power beginning for electric motors impeling vehicles. Fuel cells will run the best and the most pure H. But the fuels such as natural gas, gasolene and methyl alcohol can be reformed to bring forth the H which is needed for fuel cells. Some fuel cells can be fueled in direct manner with methyl alcohol, without utilizing ( reformist ) . hydrogen.jpg In the hereafter, H could be seen with the electricity as the most of import energy bearers. An energy bearer shall transport and present the energy to be used by the consumers. The renewable energy beginnings, such as the air current and moving ridges and sunshine ca n't supply us with the energy all the clip. But they could bring forth electric energy and H which it can be stored till it ‘s needed. Hydrogen can besides be transported to locations where it is needed. THE Cost: The entire cost of Hydrogen4.00 dollar and the gasolene gallon equivalent? howafuelcellworks4.jpg It was proposed that the H shall be electrolyzed with the electricity to bring forth by the air current or sunshine. Here is the existent scoop on what it will be you to drive if this happens. Let ‘s presume for the minute which the air current and its bring forthing the electricity will be.075 / kWh. This is a sensible figure which has been born out in bing installings. Here is the list of premises: 10kW system will be about 33,000.00 dollar The Wind is available at full power 25 per centum of the twenty-four hours, produces 60kWh ‘s per twenty-four hours. 20 twelvemonth life span, it will bring forth 438,000 k.Wh ‘s over life-time of system 60 kWh every twenty-four hours ( 365 yearss in the twelvemonth ) = 21900 kWh in the twelvemonth 21900 kWh in the twelvemonth ( 20 old ages ) will be 438,000 kWh Lifetime The H ‘s denseness reaches to 0.0899 kgs gm in each three-dimensional metre, so it needs 4.8 kWh to hold 0.0899 kilo gm of H or 53.4 kWh per gasolene gallon equivalent. The environmental consequence: The H fuel cells and its development are considered as an alternate fuel is good for the environment, but how does that work? It is easy to state that we should utilize H fuel cell engineering to salvage our environment and prohibition planetary heating. We can establish some of facts about it and encompassing those facts can be two really different things. First, allow us state that there are some of facts trade with the H fuel cells are good for the environment due to holding the cleanest combustion fuels of all time developed. Hydrogen was extracted from the H2O and so we managed to set it into the fuel cells as a gas that can power a vehicle. The lone emanation that comes out of a fuel cell powered vehicle is H2O vapour. It is like holding a humidifier for the whole universe Decision: It is known that the H fuel cells had high efficiency ( from 40: 70 % ) the possibility of using both electricity and heat from them will do an of import part to cut down the emanations which will bring forth in atmosphere. Such as the fuel cell runing at 60 per centum, the efficiency would breathe from 35 to 60 per centum less than CO2 at the dodo fuel phase and 80 per centum less from H. The beginnings of energy which will be used in the hereafter will hold to be cleaner and more efficient than current beginnings ; the fuel cells fulfill these demands. Several challenges remain before we will see wide-spread commercialisation, chiefly because of limitations with cost, dependability, size and safety, but an environmentally friendly beginning of power is decidedly on its manner.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cafe Amadeo Development Cooperative Essay

In September 24, 2014, Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) – Quezon City had a plant tour. It is one requirement in our course’s Production and Operation Management. Our two organizations that we went are in Cafe Amadeo Development Cooperative and in Tri-R Allied Industries, INC. Both of them are really exciting when we heard about those organizations that we will be going for. Our mission here is to get knowledge and to apply it for ourselves in our future work. It was very educational because we saw the processes of how they do the coffee and also the parts of the vehicle. But before all, my classmates and I met within the school at 4:30am exactly because we do not want to make us left the bus so we go ahead for our assurance. The bus leave at school at exactly 7o’clock in the morning. After traveling of almost 3 hours, we finally arrived in Cavite at 10:30 in the morning. We started to discover, observe and learn in Cafà © Amadeo Development Cooperative organization. Their exact place is at Barangay 6, Poblacion, Amadeo, Cavite. This is the logo and actual view of their business, Cafà © Amadeo has their general purpose, vision and mission. Here are they; GENERAL PURPOSE To promote the cooperative as way of life by improving the social and  economic well-being of the people. VISION The country leading cooperative that produces and distributes quality coffee. MISSION Produce and offer quality products and services through technologically advanced capabilities its members. Develop professional officers and management team encourge thrift and savings consciousness. In their organization, you should be truly honest and loyal. They held that kind of value. Mrs. Agnes, the spokes man told us that Cafà © Amadeo was started on June 28, 2002 with only 20 members. They have an investment of â‚ ±137,500.00 when Cafà © Amadeo started, but it is just bit of their money. The coffee millers and traders of Amadeo were taking the amount of coffee. Their coffee before were worth rage of â‚ ±450.00 – â‚ ±500.00 per cut. Per cut is about 1 kilo and it has coffee pod yet. The usual coffee before was too expensive but because the coffee was lack of supply, they washout the coffee. Most farmers before usually gets their livelihood in coffee, like Mrs. Agnes’ life. So they take another economical as farming pineapples and papayas because coffee was almost a year when you are harvest it. But the good news here is, the DTI, DOST, and Provincial Municipal helps their cooperative to promote their products. Their cooperative consists of Farmers, Traders, and Millers. All the members are encouraged to sell and to add capital. It has also set up five market outlets, three in Cavite, one in Paraà ±aque City and lately in San Fernando, Pampanga. From now on, the cooperative is fast growing and keeping to its mission of continually supplying best grade coffee beans and ground coffee for the entire benefit of Amadeo Coffee farmers (4,560) in general and of its members in particular. They has a different kinds of coffee and this is the, Arabica Coffee, Liberica / Baracco Roasted Coffee, Robusta, and Excelsa. Mrs.Agnes told us that Arabica Coffee is commonly in Davao, Baguio and Benguet because it springing up in high and cold areas. Liberica/Baracco Roasted Coffee produces big beans, resistant to drought. The pulp is very thick and it takes 40 days to dry. Robusta is the number 1 soluble of coffee and most preferred by coffee growers. It dries in 15 days and since the pulp easily separates from the beans, it takes least effort to clean. Excelsa, which is secondly to Baracco. Excelsa is also resistant to drought and takes 25 days to dry. With  a pulp that does not separate from the beans when milled. PROCESS OF CAFÉ AMADEO The process used by Cafà © Amadeo is continuous because there is a very high volume of nondiscrete, highly standardized output is desired and their products have almost no variety in output and no need for equipment flexibility. It is used to manufacture, produce, or process materials without interruption. It also produces greatest quantity of a product over the time. Continuous-flow production requires products for which the same level of quality can be reliably achieved as long as the process of manufacture and the ingredients are unchanged. A production worker in continuous production commonly works in rotating shifts. So that I think they used Job rotation which means having workers periodically exchange jobs to avoid having one or a few employees stuck in a monotonous job because some of the employees will be get bored from their jobs because some of the responsibility there is only putting coffees into their packages or to wait the coffee from machine. As what I remembered from the speaker, they chose Amadeo province because since then Amadeo is one of the places that already engaging in coffee farming and coffee is Amadeo’s major crop for trade. There is a very high volume of nondiscrete, highly standardized output is desired and their products have almost no variety in output and no need for equipment flexibility. Continuous-flow production requires products for which the same level of quality can be reliably achieved as long as the process of manufacture and the ingredients are unchanged. They’re also using Product layout, product layout in the sense that there is a flow in the production of coffees or there are step by step processes. From work station 1 to work station 2 and so on and so for. Cafà © Amadeo their stores are located near towns in different places in Cavite so that it can easily be seen by the travelers and also they can be easily recognized by their customers. When it comes to working condition their work places are full of ventilations and sound proof mirrors so that their workers cannot be bothered by any distractions such as heat and other factors that can affect their works. VISION To be the most preferred manufacturing solution provider MISSION AND GOALS PROFITS-To have a sustainable growth of 20% annually and to maximize profit margin. PEOPLE-Proud and Happy associates. PORTFOLIO- To be an industry market leader and game changer. PARTNERS- To be preferred name the industry. PLANET- To be an environmental friendly company. PRODUCTIVITY- Promote effective management of people time and money TRI-R ALLIED INDUSTRIES INC. PROCESS CAPABILITIES STAMPING Metal stamping presses range from 35 – 600 tons for manufacturing seat frames and automotive parts. PAINTING/PLATING Bare metal parts are pre-treated before powder coating at 240 degrees C. Aside from painting, engaged also in in-house plating. WELDING Welding process occupies a large part of automotive parts manufacturing. From thin metal sheets to form structures. Welding processes include resistance welding, arc and gas welding using welding assembly jigs. SEWING AND SEAT ASSEMBLY The company cut, saw and assembled motorcycle dual seat assembly using PVC leatherette. Pad cushion and bottom plate. FOAM INJECTION Two components chemicals are used both for automotive and motorcycle seat pads. MACHINING The in-house machining centre fabricates tool and dies. The in-house machining centres fabricate tool and dies. METAL CASTING The company also employ metal casting process using High Press Die and Ductile Iron Casting using aluminium or metal alloys. TRI-R PROCESS MAP TRI-R Inc. uses job shop processing because they are customizing metal processing shop. A job shop process creates the flexibility needed to produce a variety of products or services in significant quantities like in TRI-R they make different kinds of parts of vehicle/cars. Customization is relatively high, and volume for any one product to meet customer quality and service standards. The work force and equipment are flexible and handle various tasks. Typically, they make products to order and don’t produce them ahead of time. The specific needs of the next customer are unknown, and the timing of repeat orders from the same customer is unpredictable. Each new order is handled as a single unit–as a job. A job shop process primarily involves the use flexible flow strategy, with resources organized around the process. Most jobs have a different sequence of processing steps. The job shop is organized by process, where assembly lines or continuous flow operations are organized in a product layout. In the latter layout, equipment or work processes are arranged according to the exact steps in which the product is made and the path for each part resembles a straight line. And also TRI-R is using Product Layout processing because the layout of equipment and processes in the workstations are distributed around the needs of the end product. Each station is given a small task to complete in a certain sequence. Because according to the information that I’ve obtained TRI-R is using Product Engineering, according to the definition of Product Engineering it is the process of designing and developing a device, assembly, or system such that it is produced as an item for sale through some production manufacturing process. So that, it became my basis to say that they’re using product layout. Also they are using assembly line of production because the automobiles parts that they are processing are added as the semi-finished assembly moves from work station to work station where the parts are added in sequence until the final product is produced.

Cause and Effect ESSAY

Someone might get jealous because another person has more money then him or her. Material objects are something that everyone wants to have in life and when one has more than another, seeking revenge can be a way to show jealousy. Having great success over another can be a reason why one seeks revenge. When someone is seen and known because of their successes in life, it is natural to feel jealous of that person. Some people may go to the extreme of seeking revenge on those who have greater success because they are jealous of what they don’t have, or are unable to succeed. Seeing that someone has a successful marriage life may also be a reason why one feels the need to seek revenge. Everyone aspires to have a successful marriage in life and many people get jealous of those who have that. This may be a reason why they feel the need to seek revenge. Alongside jealousy, self-satisfaction is another reason why an individual CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY2 may seek revenge. The feeling of having done something to another may feel good and satisfying to some. Having sought revenge on someone makes the revenger feel good. It may make them feel like they have the upper hand in the situation. The revenger may also feel like they have done the right thing making them feel good about it. Depending on how severe the revenge is, one may think its okay and that can make them feel satisfied. Having satisfaction of finally ending something that may have been ongoing for some time may also make the revenger feel good. Settling something between two people may be a reason why one would feel good about going after revenge. Pay back can also be a reason for seeking vengeance. Someone may feel the need to get even with another due to the fact that he or she has taken something from the revenger. When something is taken from another person, one may feel the need to seek pay back toward that individual. Pay back can also occur due to the fact that an opportunity is taken away from someone and they feel that it should have been given to them. Many people loose important job positions to other people. This can result in the revenger feeling the need to get even with the person who is given the opportunity. Jealousy, payback and satisfaction are all reason why someone would seek revenge. Getting back at someone for taking something from you, or feeling good CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY 3 about getting back at someone, are all reasons why people in todays society seek revenge. There is good revenge and bad revenge and either one may result in broken hearts, lifelong distress, and lost dreams. Cause and Effect Essay Always negative thinking B. Be pessimistical C. Depressed II. Have many problems A. Tend to be alone B. No interaction with other C. Hate the society III. Dissapointed A. Broken heart B. Lost hopes C. Commit suicide ESSAY SOME BAD EFFECTS TOO SERIOUS TO FACE THIS LIFE Stress is a mentally or emotionally bad condition occuring because of difficult pressures. Many people especially who lived in a big city suffer everyday from stress and its effects. Day to day the amount of people that feel stress increase significantly, perhaps its because the condition that getting worst. However, too serious to face this life which is being stress has some bad effects especially effects to psycholigical condition. The first psychological effect of being stress is can not feel relax. The people who feel stress will always feel uncomfort with anything in their life. They will feel nerveous with no obvious reason. Second is they will feel have many problems. It happens because they always negative thinking so that everything that they do will seem so hard. The third is they will dissaponted. They will feel that their life is over because too many failure. It happens because they always be pessimistical. So stress can give so many bad effects for the people who feel it. Besides those psychological effects, stress also causes another psychological effects. One of the effect is the development of feel have many problems. They also tend to be alone, have no interaction with other and the worst effect is they will hate society. They tend to be alone because they feel there is no benefit of sharing to other and it makes them do not want to have an interaction with other. As a result they will hate the society. Another effect that related to the effect of dissapointed are they will feel broken heart, lost their hopes and commit suicide. They feel broken heart because too many failure happen in their life, its also make them lost their hopes. Finally, because of those bad effects they will commit suicide. It is so ironic. In short, stress make some bad effects in our life like always feel uncomfort with anything, have many problems in their life and feel dissapointed with the condition. So we can manage our stress with not do the things like those what i mentioned in the beggining, its helpfull to avoiding stress. Color information: = general statement = thesis statement = transitional words = topic sentence = conclusion Cause and Effect ESSAY Someone might get jealous because another person has more money then him or her. Material objects are something that everyone wants to have in life and when one has more than another, seeking revenge can be a way to show jealousy. Having great success over another can be a reason why one seeks revenge. When someone is seen and known because of their successes in life, it is natural to feel jealous of that person. Some people may go to the extreme of seeking revenge on those who have greater success because they are jealous of what they don’t have, or are unable to succeed. Seeing that someone has a successful marriage life may also be a reason why one feels the need to seek revenge. Everyone aspires to have a successful marriage in life and many people get jealous of those who have that. This may be a reason why they feel the need to seek revenge. Alongside jealousy, self-satisfaction is another reason why an individual CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY2 may seek revenge. The feeling of having done something to another may feel good and satisfying to some. Having sought revenge on someone makes the revenger feel good. It may make them feel like they have the upper hand in the situation. The revenger may also feel like they have done the right thing making them feel good about it. Depending on how severe the revenge is, one may think its okay and that can make them feel satisfied. Having satisfaction of finally ending something that may have been ongoing for some time may also make the revenger feel good. Settling something between two people may be a reason why one would feel good about going after revenge. Pay back can also be a reason for seeking vengeance. Someone may feel the need to get even with another due to the fact that he or she has taken something from the revenger. When something is taken from another person, one may feel the need to seek pay back toward that individual. Pay back can also occur due to the fact that an opportunity is taken away from someone and they feel that it should have been given to them. Many people loose important job positions to other people. This can result in the revenger feeling the need to get even with the person who is given the opportunity. Jealousy, payback and satisfaction are all reason why someone would seek revenge. Getting back at someone for taking something from you, or feeling good CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY 3 about getting back at someone, are all reasons why people in todays society seek revenge. There is good revenge and bad revenge and either one may result in broken hearts, lifelong distress, and lost dreams. Cause and Effect Essay Always negative thinking B. Be pessimistical C. Depressed II. Have many problems A. Tend to be alone B. No interaction with other C. Hate the society III. Dissapointed A. Broken heart B. Lost hopes C. Commit suicide ESSAY SOME BAD EFFECTS TOO SERIOUS TO FACE THIS LIFE Stress is a mentally or emotionally bad condition occuring because of difficult pressures. Many people especially who lived in a big city suffer everyday from stress and its effects. Day to day the amount of people that feel stress increase significantly, perhaps its because the condition that getting worst. However, too serious to face this life which is being stress has some bad effects especially effects to psycholigical condition. The first psychological effect of being stress is can not feel relax. The people who feel stress will always feel uncomfort with anything in their life. They will feel nerveous with no obvious reason. Second is they will feel have many problems. It happens because they always negative thinking so that everything that they do will seem so hard. The third is they will dissaponted. They will feel that their life is over because too many failure. It happens because they always be pessimistical. So stress can give so many bad effects for the people who feel it. Besides those psychological effects, stress also causes another psychological effects. One of the effect is the development of feel have many problems. They also tend to be alone, have no interaction with other and the worst effect is they will hate society. They tend to be alone because they feel there is no benefit of sharing to other and it makes them do not want to have an interaction with other. As a result they will hate the society. Another effect that related to the effect of dissapointed are they will feel broken heart, lost their hopes and commit suicide. They feel broken heart because too many failure happen in their life, its also make them lost their hopes. Finally, because of those bad effects they will commit suicide. It is so ironic. In short, stress make some bad effects in our life like always feel uncomfort with anything, have many problems in their life and feel dissapointed with the condition. So we can manage our stress with not do the things like those what i mentioned in the beggining, its helpfull to avoiding stress. Color information: = general statement = thesis statement = transitional words = topic sentence = conclusion

Friday, September 13, 2019

Colombian perspective Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Colombian perspective - Term Paper Example Political scientists have pointed out that economic inequality and political turbulence go hand in hand in order to create unequal prosperity. It is axiomatic that economical inequality gives birth of dissatisfaction among people of a particular country (Rapley 3). Inequality is multidimensional disease because research shows that inequalities may arise within the same country between various regions. For example, in China economic inequalities lies between urban region and coastal terrain due to difference in per capita income. Nobel laureate such as Amartya Sen has indicated that inequalities should be calculated in terms in terms of economic and geographic scale (Galbraith 160). Impact of economic inequalities is far less for developed countries like USA, UK and Germany in contrast to developing nations such as Brazil, India and other south Asian countries. The world has undergone various contingency period over the last 30 years due to various reasons such as Cold War between USA and Russia, currency crisis in Asia during 1997/98, terrorism, economic recession and recent euro zone crisis. According to financial analysts the meaning of instability has changed after economic recession of 2008. In now days instability means mankind could face period of adjustment in order to avoid situations like great depression (Smith 4-6). Political restructuring is a continuous process to resolve issues having importance in context of particular country. Political restructuring of Soviet Union had impacted the world severely in terms of creating new states and altering the economic dynamics of Russian Federation. Quintessentially economic hegemony of USA has impacted the direction of global stability for last 50 years while political instability of Middle East has disrupted stability of Asian countries (Ritchie, and Crouch 4). Giuseppe Sfligiotti has argued that price of clean

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Management Metrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Metrics - Essay Example Some management systems can also be in place to offer effective and secure network, which is the backbone to any organization (Carter, Ulrich & Goldsmith, 2005). Effective achievement of organizational goals and strategies needs proper network management systems. In a bid to understand efficient and effectiveness in the network management systems, some factors are in consideration in the name of metrics. Metrics directly affects the bottom line of organizational management. There is no single metric which can be solely applicable in assessing the effectiveness of the management group hence the combination of several metrics is applicable. These metrics can undergo common review to gauge the overall effectiveness in the process of organizational goals achievement. Some common metrics in the line of organizational goals tracking includes complexity metrics for operational tasks, business impacts tracking metrics, and scale metrics (Nof, 1994). Network models are prone to change because of implementation of various applications and network technologies. The main network goal is to reap maximum efficiency. In order to achieve the required effectiveness, various metrics must be in place. The metrics in application also undergo timely review for the overall network efficiency (Hayden, 2010). Network assessment and the immediate impact in the running of the organization towards goal achievement is an important factor worth considering. Network availability, reliability and other impacts on organizational services and revenues depend on management metrics for direct tracking. Responsiveness in the process of network utilization also functions as an important metrics in gauging network performance in a given organization. In overall perspective, network management metrics can be easily broken down into three main sections, which comprises of cost, classic and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Law practice management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Law practice management - Essay Example The customer can also pay a USD 100 fee, for the first call for service. Ordinarily, the first hour of services will cost a customer not more than USD 250. The center will target its services at young customers, and will guarantee them the legal services help they need, before they say or do anything that may place then in compromising situations. Through the outlook, the center is reorganizing its traditional business, so that it can stand out from the crowd of legal service providers, towards pacing-up to the innovativeness adopted by different industries (Suskind 172). The group chose this legal practice area, following the increment of the sentiments of customers that the flexibility of legal services is low. Many legal services consumers have also expressed the sentiments that the costs of legal services is very high, and bulky, therefore many customers may not be able or willing to purchase the customized service packages offered by lawyers (Suskind 57). Through unbundling the legal services, splitting the different areas of service into component parts will help the center, in offering the different services in the most efficient manner. Due to this outlook, the lawyers at the center will not offer the services based on the undivided time of a single lawyer serving the wide range of the legal needs of their client (Suskind 59). The lawyers at the center will offer customized services to different clients, and some aspects served simultaneously for different customers, so that the center and the customer can reap from the economies of scale. The choice of this service line was also based on the fact that the unbundled services will be marketed in a relatively decentralized manner, and sold in a way which is similar to that of other service sectors like document processing and tax preparation (Suskind 157). Qn.2. The urgent legal services center will be characterized by the unbundling of the service packages offered by a lawyer. The unbundling of the servi ces into different component parts will help the different team members to offer the different services in the most efficient way possible. The center will offer its services to current and potential customers around the clock, which will increase the flexibility of service consumption (Van Zandt 1130). Though the adoption of a more flexible service delivery pattern, the center will exploit the potential clientele that are restrained from seeking legal services due to time and the costs of services. The marketing of the services of the center will be done through the lawyer-client relations developed after the formation of the center and those from the contacts of different lawyers. Through adopting this marketing outlook, the center will benefit from the diversity of social interactions, which will reach potential customers that the center or the different lawyers could not reach. The center will offer unbundled services to different customers, depending on the characteristics of t he services required by the given client. This outlook was chosen, because unbundling will be easier for comparatively routine services, where many personal issues or complex links are not involved (Van Zandt 1130). An example