Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay about Is Abortion Morally Permissible or Not

The following essay will examine the morality of abortion with specific reference to the writings of Don Marquis, Judith Jarvis Thompson, Peter Singer and Mary Anne Warren. I will begin by assessing the strength of the argument provided by Marquis which claims that abortion is impermissible because it deprives a being of a potential â€Å"future like ours,† and then go on to consider the writings of Singer, Thomson and Warren to both refute Marquis claims and support my assertion that abortion is morally permissible primarily because of the threat to the freedom and bodily autonomy of women extending the right to life to a foetus in utero would pose. To fully understand the argument we should first define the parameters of the debate and the†¦show more content†¦Don Marquis spearheads the potentiality argument in his essay on the immorality of abortion (Study Guide, pp. 167-73), claiming that it is impermissible because it deprives the foetus of a â€Å"future like ours,† and is consequently morally on par with killing a healthy adult (Study Guide, p. 170). Despite Marquis’ claims that his argument combines the best aspects of the personhood and sanctity of life ideas to produce a superior ethical theory on the immorality of abortion (Study Guide, p. 170), his argument features many flaws, including seemingly ad hoc explanations to avoid speciesism (Study Guide, p. 169) and exclude contraception (Study Guide, p. 173), and, most prominently, ill-defined terminology. His entire argument centers on the value of a â€Å"future like ours† and yet he fails to define what exact quality makes such a potentia l future valuable, giving only a vague indication that it is somehow different to personhood. The vagueness of what is essentially the key to his entire theory makes it difficult to accurately dispute his claims, yet he concedes himself that his theory is simply an indirect and unconvincing way of reaching the same conclusion as the personhood argument (Study Guide, p.171). His conclusions are in essences the same as those drawn from the personhood argument, it argues that foetuses should be granted legal personhood based onShow MoreRelatedIs Abortion Morally Permissible?966 Words   |  4 PagesA Defense of Abortion, she argues that abortion is permissible because an individual’s right over their own body outweighs a fetus’s right to life. In this paper I will focus on whether or not abortion is always permissible. First, I will present Thomson’s argument which says that abortion is sometimes permissible. I will do so by describing her â€Å"famous violinistà ¢â‚¬  thought experiment. Next, I will object to Thomson’s claim and expand the scope of her argument by arguing that abortion is in fact, alwaysRead MoreAbortion Is Morally Permissible?1817 Words   |  8 PagesAbortion is the willful and deliberate termination of pregnancy before the fetus comes to term; meaning the death of a fetus. Not having access to safe and legal abortions can cause more pain than positive it can lead women to be injured or infertile or even dead. Also, the denial of access to safe and legal abortion is said to be depriving women of the right to control their own body. However, the above point does not persuade people who are against abortion because they believe that fetuses areRead MoreAbortion Is Morally Permissible?1675 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion is defined as â€Å"The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.† (Oxford Dictionary). Nearly three out of ten women in the U .S. have an abortion by the time they are 45-years-old (Planned Parenthood). Abortion is morally permissible because an abortion prevents a woman and the potential child’s suffering. Abortion is moral because it is a fundamental right of competent adults to make their own decisions on the course of theirRead MoreIs Abortion Morally Permissible?1977 Words   |  8 PagesThe question of whether or not abortion is morally permissible is widely disputed amongst those who are pro-life or pro-choice. While in some societies abortion has been outlawed, others either entirely allow for it or consider abortion permissible on a case-by-case basis. Many pro-lifers classify abortion as immoral, some even considering it murder. Abortion is typically defined as terminating a pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside of the womb. A crucial factor in determining whetherRead MoreIs Abortion Morally Permissible?1879 Words   |  8 PagesAbortion is morally permissible in all ca ses; regardless of how the pregnancy came about. The question of whether the fetus is granted personhood at conception or anytime during its development is entirely irrelevant. The right to control your own body often trumps someone’s right to life. Even if you declare personhood to the fetus, it does not determine the morality of abortion. Whether it is â€Å"killing an innocent child† or not does not take away the fact that this country has time and time againRead MoreThesis: Is Abortion Morally Permissible?851 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion Thesis: Abortion is morally permissible in which a fetus is not a person which deprives the fetus to its right to life, circular reasoning is an ineffective to oppose abortion, abortion only risks the fetus not society, and deprivation from a fetuss future and suffering of a loved one has no affect on the argument towards anti-abortion. Mary Anne Warren in On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion stated the characteristics which are central to the concept of personhood which are â€Å"sentienceRead MoreEssay about Abortion: Morally Permissible or Impermissible?2524 Words   |  11 PagesAbortion: Morally Permissible or Impermissible? Abortion can be defined as a means of terminating a pregnancy by removing or expelling a fetus from the uterus before viability. Abortion has been, and will always be, a controversial issue in today’s society and in the future. People have always struggled to determine whether it is ethical to abort a fetus; morally permissible (acceptable) or morally impermissible (unacceptable). The polarizing views that are associated with abortion makes thisRead MoreWhy Should Sex Selection Abortions Are Morally Permissible?923 Words   |  4 Pagessex-selection abortions are morally permissible?† No, I do not think they are morally permissible. Not so much because of the utilitarian’s belief, which I will get into later, but because I do think a fetus is a person. And like Kantians who believe fetuses are persons, the fetus has all the rights and due all the respect that any other person has. To abort that fetus because it’s a girl (or a boy) does not give any righ ts to the fetus. With that said however, that doesn’t mean I think abortions themselvesRead MoreMarquis vs. Warren in the Case Against Abortion1298 Words   |  6 Pagesdetermining if abortion is morally permissible, or wrong including; sentience of the fetus, the fetuses right to life, the difference between adult human beings and fetuses, the autonomy of the pregnant woman, and the legality of abortion. Don Marquis argues that abortion is always morally wrong, excluding cases in which the woman is threatened by pregnancy, or abortion after rape, because fetuses have a valuable future. Mary Anne Warren contends that late term abortions are morally permissible becauseRead MoreA Defense Of Abortion By Judith Thomson1678 Words   |  7 PagesWhat takes precedence; an unborn fetus’ life or its mother’s right to her body? Anti-abortionist argue that the life of an unborn fetus has priority, and thus abortion is morally impermissible as it violates the fetus’ right to life. I n her article â€Å"A Defense of Abortion†, Judith Thomson argues that abortion is morally permissible under the certain conditions where the rights of the fetus fail to surpass a mother’s right of choice. For the sake of her argument, Thomson allows the assumption that

Monday, December 16, 2019

Media Bring Social Change Free Essays

Over the last two decades, several major changes have occurred in the media industries that have altered the way in which the media institution operates. Social theorists have always had two distinct visions when it comes to the introduction of new media; one, a utopia where mass media is used to spread ideas and understanding and two, where people use media to transmit only the most vulgar information. Magazines, TV shows, You Tube, Twitter, internet, cell phones, Facebook and My Space are just a few of the many media sources that are used in the twenty-first century. We will write a custom essay sample on Media Bring Social Change or any similar topic only for you Order Now Billions of people around the world are influenced through the media and what information it gives them. The most major changes of note have been how different communication sources transmit important information, how violence and sex is demonstrated through the media, and the increased role of women as consumers of mass media. On Tuesday January 12th, 2010, a devastating earthquake hit the Caribbean country of Haiti. It destroyed the whole country and left around 239,000 people dead (Zebra Jacque Dawson). The survivors need medical attention and food in order to thrive. Many large humanitarian organizations are raising money to help the citizens of Haiti restore their country. The media is playing a huge role in helping advertise and raise money for Haiti. The news and television networks such as CNN and CBC have donated their assistance by providing air time to run Haiti relief commercials and also air â€Å"Hope for Haiti† programs where celebrities contribute their talents to raise money towards rebuilding the country. During this show audience embers could call in, donate online or send a simple text message to make a contribution. Through this one event, the media used three sources very efficiently and it demonstrates how much technology has advanced to mobilize action. According to the Central Intelligence Agency’s Government statistics â€Å"Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of the population living under the poverty line and 54% in abject poverty. † These rates were high even before the earthquake occurred, and after the disaster, this rate has increased plunging even more people into poverty. It is somewhat ironic that this tragic event has led some people to think of it in two ways, either as a tragic misfortune or an opportunity to rebuild and make the country of Haiti a better community than it was before the quake. There is hope that all the relief efforts in support of Haiti, will allow the poverty rate to decrease and stimulate the economy of Haiti for its citizens. This has been a great cause to make people aware of their surroundings. This event shows positive aspects and it portrays the media as a profound and legitimate source. But the mass media also takes its toll on young adults in a negative way as they are influenced by drugs, sex, alcohol, violence and body image. The average youth in the United States watches television 25 hours a week and plays computer games an additional 7 hours as well also listens to music around 10 extra hours (Facts and TV Statistics). Forty-two hours out of the 168 hours is used up on their computers, television or iPod which means 25% of their time is spent on these products. Concerns of parents are increasing as they worry that their teenaged children are being negatively influenced by television and music. In a sample of programming from the 2001-2002 TV seasons, sexual content appeared in 64% of all TV programs. Those programs with sexually related material had an average of 4. 4 scenes per hour. One out of every seven programs includes a portrayal of sexual intercourse (Facts and TV Statistics). These statistics are at an all time high. Sex, drugs and violence displayed on television is influenced more than ever on teenagers through the media. As these stats show, 46% of high school students in the United States have had sexual intercourse. Although sex is common, most sexually active teens wish they had waited longer to have sex, which suggest that sex is occurring before youths are prepared for its consequences (Facts and TV Statistics). Though music, many artists are portraying the themes of violence and drugs. According to Stats Canada, there were 2,452,787 violent and gang related crimes reported in 2006; most of the users of these illegal firearms are youth in their teens and early 20s. Therefore, drugs, sex, and violence portrayed through the media is sending mixed messages to teens all around the world. Dieting, eating disorders and plastic surgery are some of the ways women try and boost their self esteem. Women are told by the media that they need to be sexy, chic, and thin. Toy manufacturers set this expectation by developing and marketing the Barbie doll, whose measurements are almost impossible. However, with increased availability of plastic surgery, today’s women are faced with unrealistic expectations every time they open a fashion magazine. Celebrities are not perfect they have their flaws as well. Usually when celebrities are photographed for covers of magazines the reality is that most magazines airbrush photos and use expensive computer technology to correct blemishes and hide figure flaws. Twenty-five years ago, the average fashion model was 8% thinner than the average woman. Today that number has risen to 23% (Food and Weight Preoccupations). Such celebrities such as Pamela Anderson and Heidi Montag have resulted in plastic surgery. Nearly 12 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2007 (Description of Plastic Surgery). Furthermore, appetite suppressants and meal replacements have become a multi million dollar business. These products are essentially the first stepping stone to eating disorders. Mary-Kate Olsen is one of the many celebrities who have been affected by the disease of anorexia, one of the many eating disorders and these celebrities should not be considered as role models. Women need to have self confidence and need real role models to emulate. With these messages given to women they are put in a situation where they feel pressure to look or act a certain way. The media is a formidable force, and one that is not going to change easily, but it is a woman’s decision to either be influenced by it or to ignore it and live a healthy lifestyle. There are several negative media effects on teenagers. Media is responsible for creating ideals about body image. The amount of excessive violence in media through television, movies or video games tends to increase aggressive tendencies in teenagers. The amount of celebrity hype created by the media glorification of unhealthy habits like smoking, drug abuse, unprotected sex and alcohol can encourage these habits in teenagers, which can permanently impact their lives. All of these aspects create social change throughout the world. The most major changes of note have been how different communication sources transmit important information, how violence and sex is demonstrated through the media, and women’s increased role as consumers of mass media. Media has also contributed to increase the overall awareness of teenagers about their surroundings. How to cite Media Bring Social Change, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Do You Have a Well-Designed Organization free essay sample

Do You Have a Well-Designed Organization? What are the main ideas of the article that you find important (insightful, relevant, practical) in managing people in organizations, and why? When I saw the topic of this article, I was attracted by it. Because when I worked in Sung-Yi Motor Corporation, a dealer company selling Mitsubishi motors in Taiwan, I sometimes feel my company is not a well-designed organization. Because I do not have the standards or right criteria to evaluate my corporation I can not definite that my corporation is a not well-designed organization. I am so exciting that I have the method and standards to evaluate it. The first sentence of this article â€Å"for most companies, organization design is neither a science nor an art; it’s an oxymoron. † I like this sentence very much. Because when I proposed the restructure project, I bumped into this kind of challenge. When my company set the branches in mainland China, we needed to support and control these branched. We will write a custom essay sample on Do You Have a Well-Designed Organization? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first way we adopted is just add the responsibilities on my group, the result was that we can not support and control them effectively. We faced the difficulty and we need to adjust our structure to improve the situation. This article provides nine tests to evaluate the structure of organization. The nine tests can be categorized to two kinds of standards; four of them called fit tests are used to evaluate an existing structure, and the others called good design tests are used to create a new one. These tests help a company inspects its outside and inside situations. By the result of these texts, an organization can change its original not proper structure to a better one. Next paragraph I will use these tests to evaluate my previous company.