Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management and Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Management and Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example By not offering any type of training, the company has struggled. In order to help with this scenario, the advertising agency needs to begin offering more training for its employees. However, this is not the only leadership issue that needs to be changed. Management does need to address a few more issues, and this has to do with their overall attitude towards their employees. There is also an uneven distribution of work in the environment, and this can also hurt employee morale. Those with more work feel overworked, and those with less work feel that they are being overlooked. This often also creates the problem of self-serving bias, and this can greatly harm the view of management toward employees. It is also important for management to begin trying to apply the concept of Theory X versus Theory Y when approaching their employees (Denton, 1999). McClelland's Theory of Needs should also be considered by management, because these employees have a need for achievement and achievement would also help to increase employee morale. Another problem in this scenario is the lack of group dynamics in the company. Most of the employees are too frightened to speak up or go against management, and/or they are not motivated to do so. This means that they hide, and do not share their ideas, and that they simply go along with what management states, whether they want to or not. This also hurts employee morale, and thus management needs to change their approach to group meetings (Employee Productivity Increases Morale, 1999). Analysis of Scenario Leadership Approach Several leadership approaches could be used to help increase employee morale in this situation. Making sure employee morale is functioning properly is very important as far as the company's long term goals are concerned. If employees are not happy, turnover rates will increase and productivity will decrease. In order to have management use effective leadership to solve the problem, it is important to have them consider Chris Young's "Eight Strategies for Improving Employee Morale." Young gives a very complete list with excellent definitions and ideas of how leadership can improve morale by using a few effective ideas. These concepts could be applied to the management at the advertising agency in order to help increase employee productivity and employee morale (Ginzbert, 1985). Young first mentions the concept of "negative energy." What is this concept and what causes it Several items actually cause it, and negative energy is an overall feeling of disgust towards certain aspects of the job. This negative energy hurts employee morale, and thus also hurts the company. Therefore, the advertising agency, which is clearly suffering from this concept, can use Young's ideas to overcome this problem. Management Strategies According to Young, the first item to consider is that of the job fit. Basically, the problem could be as simple as this being the wrong person for the job-the job itself is not what the individual expected, or he or she just does not have the personality, drive, or interest to complete the job tasks (How Low Staff Morale Can Have Serious Consequences, 2007). Management needs to be able to assess individual's abilities and personalities in order to make sure that

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