Tuesday, November 19, 2019

CRM Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

CRM Model - Essay Example Consequently, the medical industry has not been left behind in implementing CRM especially in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU) operations, Shortell SM. et al (1994). It analyses the human factors in high-stress and high risk environments. All available resources, information and people are used to achieve safety and competence. It involves team training and simulation of emergency situations. Though there are wide variations in the specific designs and implementation of CRM programs in different organizations, the aim remains the same. There are several similarities between the aviation industry and the healthcare industry. One obvious one is that both have highly specialized experts operating with high-tech equipment. Secondly, both have large numbers of people working in different areas in pursuit of differentiated objectives that lead to a common goal attainment; running efficient flights and delivering effective healthcare respectively. Another similarity is the inevitable interdependency of the different departments involved so as to attain the set goal. However, when it comes to risk factors, healthcare has a much higher occurrence of real emergency situations compared to aviation. Patients with complicated, life threatening ailments are rushed in several times a day and have to be attended to immediately. The possibility of human error in these high speed operations is a definite possibility. When such errors occur, they are attributable to poor teamwork in terms of communication, coordination and split second decision making. In a nutshell therefore, healthcare needs CRM even more than aviation. Modern healthcare organizations have no choice but to apply CRM models. This is because they have to do whatever is possible to ensure that they operate with the highest level of efficiency at all times. One of the numerous available CRM models focuses on primary

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