Friday, August 9, 2019

Annotated Critique of pain assessment tools Sport inventory for Pain Bibliography

Critique of pain assessment tools Sport inventory for Pain - Annotated Bibliography Example The research used a sample 134 base jumpers and Sports Inventory for Pain as its measurement instrument. The participants were approached prior to an event and their involvement was based on free informed consent. The paper concludes that personality traits possibly exist to determine pain coping responses among base divers.i Base diving organizers and participants should therefore consider personal experience in predicting involved pain in base diving (Griffith, Hart, Kessler and Whitmire, n.d.). The research article, as was authored by Bourgeois, Meyers and LeUnes, sought to examine applicability of Sports Inventory for Pain as a tool for measuring the level of pain among sports participants. The research does not have direct research questions but develops a clear objective. With its primary objectives of improving the version of Sports Inventory for Pain and to determine the â€Å"factorial and empirical validity† of the improved version, an implied research question would be, ‘do the revised version of Sports Inventory for Pain have a factorial and empirical validity?’ The research, upon consent from both participants and the University’s review board, subjected participants to an initial version of the tool as well as the improved version. SAS was then used to evaluate the two measurement tools.ii The research concludes that the revised tool is potentially applicable in forecasting individual’s ability to endure pain. It therefore offer s a basis, to athletes and physicians, for ensuring safety measures upon injuries (Bourgeois, Meyers and LeUnes, n.d.). This research aimed at examining the degree of validity of the tool, Sports Inventory for Pain. This develops a general scope for the research’s question, ‘does Sports Inventory for Pain have a psychometric validity?’ In order to conduct the investigations, the researchers conducted three studies in which volunteer university students participated. In the first study, seventy

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