Thursday, January 9, 2020

Examples Of Creation Myths - 892 Words

What creation myth do you believe in? There are many different creation myths, each culture has their own because they believe the world was created different. Even though cultures have different myths some of them have something in common, which is a motif. The motifs that I think are the most important are the following; Most myths start with chaos, Men are always created before women, and Humans are made for organic material. Without these motifs the creation myths would be silly and would not make sense. Creation myths mostly start with Chaos: In my opinion the most important motif of all, is how, mostly all creation myths start with chaos. Most myths uses chaos because nobody really knows what was before earth and god, especially way†¦show more content†¦Men were always created first because they are stronger and can withstand more than women. When the gods would make women they made them small and fragile, they were not meant to do hard labor. Every culture used this motif so that means it must be important and a smart idea to use. The main reason that women were made was to give the men company, be the men’s mate, and take care of the children. While the men were out all day working of finding food for the family, while his wife would be inside watching the children and cleaning the house. Humans were made out of organic materials: Most men were made from organic materials because the gods wanted them to either be apart of them or the earth. The cultures that used this motif were most likely people that loved the earth and worshiped their god everyday. There are many cultures that use organic materials to make the humans but some materials did not work like the gods were hoping for. For example in the Yoruba creation myth the humans are made from clay, but while Obatala was making the people he was drunk and made them all deformed and ugly. Obatala was a very nice god and did not kill them he just made more people that were perfect. Another example is the Mayan creation myth, In the beginning of the myth Tepeu and Gucumatz made animals and were disappointed because the animals could not speak to say their names and praise them. Tepeu and Gucumatz decided to create man and they madeShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Motifs In Creation Myths860 Words   |  4 Pages Motifs in Creation Myths There are many motifs in mythology. A motif is a repeating idea. Learning these myths are challenging, but they explain so much about how the Earth, time, and humans were created. Explaining the myths, or even the motifs, could be hard considering there are many different ideas on why and how the motifs are included. 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