Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Fall Of The House Of Usher, And The Devil And Tom Walker

In the nineteenth century, growing industrialization led people to impersonal, greedy, and selfish lives. As a reaction against this situation, romanticism emerged; this artistic movement offered people the place away from the corrupted society. During this era, people favored untamed nature instead of unscrupulous society. Upon a people’s encounter with Romanticism, they enjoyed an enthusiastic burst of feelings. This era is characterized by not only an outpouring of emotions but also themes of imagination, fantasy, emotion, nature, superstition, individuality, mystery and the supernatural. Among them, nature, imagination, and superstition theme were the most beloved theme during this period, particularly demonstrated by give stories of The Most Sublime Spectacle on Earth, Nature, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Devil and Tom Walker. Accordingly, the nature was one of the Romantic themes adored by numerous readers during this era. The author’s description of untamed environment and striking sight inspires and impresses the readers. Soothing and relaxing people through these illustrations, author takes them away from the impersonal society. For example, The Most Sublime Spectacle on Earth by John Wesley Powell vividly displays the spectacular views of Grand Canyon to make readers forget the depraved reality. â€Å"The carving of the Grand Canyon is the work of rains and rivers,† Powell stresses that Grand Canyon is the splendid work of nature, not the artificial work ofShow MoreRelated romanticism Essay640 Words   |  3 PagesHis most famous work is â€Å" The devil and Tom Walker† and is based on the characteristic of emphasis on imagination as a key of the human spirit. In this story Tom Walker is a greedy and miser person who makes a pact with the devil to get out of misery , so with his ambition he becomes an usurer and the devil gives him the treasure of a pirate, but Tom didn’t take care of it and at the end the devil sends him to hell because he sold his soul for money.† The devil picked Tom and away he galloped† (Irving)Read MoreSupernatural in American Fiction Essay2928 Words   |  12 PagesPuritan era onward. In modern society, one would think that there isnt any place for fantasy and superstitions, but the United States is full of people who are convinced that psychics can predict their future, they have ghosts living in their houses, aliens visit the Earth in flying saucers, and even that they can talk to the dead.7 People believe in the supernatural because they want to believe, because it makes them happy, even if those beliefs exist against logic or opposing evidence.

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